Thursday, October 31, 2019

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Technology - Essay Example Communication is an important characteristic of humans. Human beings communicate for various reasons. Therefore, communication should be effective and efficient, in order to achieve its objectives. Being a characteristic of human beings, communication has existed throughout history. However, this was done differently at various time periods. The differences in communication during different historical times base on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of communication at each historical time. Nonetheless, this also wholly depended on the level of technology at that particular period. This is mainly because technology plays an important role in shaping communication (Storm and Media Web). About one hundred years ago, the communication tools that people use today did not exist then. This could only be imagined as science fiction, owing to the low level of technological advanced during that time. Today, people can communicate through different avenues. These include cell phones, social media, fax, e-mails, and the internet. In the past however, people would communicate through letters and telegraphs, as well as word of mouth. As compared to the present tools of communication, the past communication tools were less effective and less efficient, thus unreliable (Storm and Media Web). However, today, communication is instant. Smartphones are widely used today to carry out diverse functions. These can be used for making calls, sending messages, playing games, running applications, surfing the web, and taking and storing photos, and downloading and storing music, among other functions. However, these are quite expensive today, as compared to the basic phones. In the near future, however, it is expected that the basic phones will completely fade away, so that most people will use smartphones, which will be cheaper by then. The process is gradual. People that value and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Eeryday life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eeryday life - Essay Example In my turn, I have wondered whether we could possibly even approach the ideal of rationality, and I believe that what is clear is that this task is far from being easy. After all, we, humans, have a too significant heritage of irrationality to live with and this is an integral part of our nature. As a demonstration of this may serve the great number of biases in human reasoning and decision making, when for instance due to the so-called 'confirmation bias' people tend to look for and believe only that which they already have a predisposition for, and ignore evidence for the contrary. Ironically, this type of bias is one of the main mechanisms that work to maintain the enormous popularity of horoscopes in our society despite the lack of scientific evidence for their validity, and is used for the promotion of such a chancy endeavour as lottery by overemphasising very slim possibility of winning and ignoring the real possibility of losing. Now, it is not surprising that the study of approaches to problem solving and thinking is that powerful tool which can help one efficiently employ ones ability for rational thinking and effective problem solving, and in the process understand how the general concepts and theories that study them apply to our everyday life that is rife with challenges such as the need for a person to deci

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Capital Punishment Justice Or Murder Philosophy Essay

Capital Punishment Justice Or Murder Philosophy Essay Capital Punishment has been around since ancient civilizations. According to the Public Broadcasting Service the first recorded death penalty was in the 16th Century BC where a man was accused of using magic, and ordered to take his own life. Different forms of the death penalty where used back in ancient times including stoning, hanging, beheading, crucifixion, throwing the criminal from a rock, and sawing asunder. Later, the form of punishment was stoning where heavy rocks where placed on the convicted or they would be hanged. Beheading was the form used for the upper-class (Reggio). In the article Capital Punishment it states that The forms of capital punishment in ancient China were varied and ran the gamut from boiling and burning to beheading and burying alive (2). PBS says the electric chair was brought to life in the late 1800s when an electric company, that used direct current, made videos killing animals to show how dangerous alternating current was, which was used by their rivals. The public figured if it could kill animals it could kill humans. Today the most accepted form of the death penalty is by lethal injection, but some states still use electrocution, hanging, firing squad, and lethal gas (Reggio). Attempts have been made to abolish capital punishment and it will most likely never be completely abolished. Although capital punishment can be said as legalized murder, it needs to be an option of punishment referred to more often and not get abolished. The death penalty is said to be a cruel punishment, but in reality it is not as cruel as one may think. Capital Punishment reduces the chances of offenders returning to society indefinitely. Future offenders will be deterred from murdering in order to live. Families of victims will gain closure for their lost one and will not have to go to court more than what they have to. All of the citizens in the United States have to pay taxes and a large amount of those tax dollars go into our prison system. The death penalty is the appropriate punishment for the offender of serious crimes. In the bible it says criminals should be killed for several different acts of crime. Capital punishment is said to kill innocent people though. Despite one negative side of capital punishment it still needs to be used more often in the United States justice system. When capital punishment is brought up to someone opposed to it their number one argument will be that innocent people are being put on death row. The way the justice system works in the United States is that a jury decides whether or not the defendant is innocent or guilty. A jury is said to not be one hundred percent accurate since they did not witness the crime and are deciding just based on what they are told. Lie detector machines also cannot be used as a way to convict people since they are not always completely accurate. There have been several people that have been wrongfully convicted in the past, but the number of people getting wrongfully convicted has dropped since years past. In the process of gathering evidence to convict criminals investigators will gather DNA evidence from the crime scene. Once the police have arrested suspects, the police will then gather DNA taken from the suspect. New technology has allowed the investigators to compare the DNA taken from the crime s cene and from the suspect. If the DNA does not match then the police know they do not have the person who committed the crime. Aronson says that DNA evidence is more accurate and reliable than any other forensic science (603). If the DNA does match then the police know they have the right person since nobody in the world has the same exact DNA and that DNA cannot be false. According to Aronson DNA profiling is based on the fundamental premise that, with the exception of identical twins, no two human beings have exactly the same genetic make-up (612). The chances of putting a criminal on death row are not entirely impossible but are very close thanks to new DNA technology. If the death penalty does end up killing a few innocent people it is not a reason to completely abolish the death penalty. In Ted Gottfrieds book he says many desirable social practices cannot avoid killing innocents by accident. For instance, ambulances save many lives, but they also run over some pedestrians. We do not abolish ambulances, because they save more innocent people than they kill. So does the death penalty (57). If people want to abolish the death penalty due to the fact of killing innocent people then nearly everything will have to be abolished since anyone can be killed anything. The 8th Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. At first thought some may say the death penalty is a cruel punishment. The death penalty today is a lot less cruel than previous forms of the death penalty. The point of the death penalty in years past was literally to torture the person. When getting beheaded sometimes the ax would miss and hit a different part of the body or the ax would not go all the way through and the person would remain alive until another swing occurred. Even the electric chair took a few minutes before the person would be killed. Lethal injection is the most common form of the death penalty used today. The person being injected feels no pain and passes away peacefully with no side effects. The US Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty is not cruel per se and is not in conflict with the 8th amendment of the US constitution (Zivot). Many will say that it is wrong to kill someone for any punishment. In the article White Paper On Ethical Issues Concerning Capital Punishment it states that You can say that the human life is so valuable that we do not have any right to take it away. But you can also say the opposite: that it is so valuable that he who wastes his life has lost his right to live (84). It may be wrong for killing people in some instances but the death penalty needs to be necessary for serious crimes such as mass murder or pre-meditated murder, but does not need to for small less harmful crimes. Steven and Naomi Shatz say that death sentence rates demonstrate that prosecutors and jurors consider certain kinds of murders to be more aggravated (i.e., more death-worthy) than others (95). Mass murders and pre-meditated murders are two types of murders that are more death-worthy than other types. The reason they are more death-worthy is because they are planned out. The person who is committing the crimes wa nted to kill people for some reason. If the murders are not planned out and just happened then putting the person to death does not fit the crime. The fact that the murder is planned out is what gives it the possibility to have a death sentence with it. Even if a judge and jury do accidently put someone on death row that is innocent in the long run the death penalty will have saved more innocent people than killing them. The death penalty will have saved more people because after spending some time in prison, convicts can get released from prison on parole even if they have a life sentence. If someone in prison has good behavior they will usually get released on parole. Even if the criminal has good behavior in prison that does not mean he or she will never commit another crime once they are back out in society. Criminals also escape from prisons very occasionally. Once a prisoner has escaped they will most likely kill again. A person who testified against the prisoner is at danger from an escaped convict or just another person that the prisoner did not like. When someone escapes from a prison it raises a huge threat to the public putting everyone in a state of fear and hundreds of law enforcement officers have to be called out to s earch. Having that many officers in a man hunt requires valuable resources and a lot of tax payer dollars. The death penalty will always make sure that the prisoner will not commit any more crimes from either being released on parole or from escaping the prison they are being held at. The criminal would not even be able to return to society since they will no longer be alive. During trials for capital punishment the defendant will usually always try to plead guilty due to insanity. If the jury thinks that the person really is insane then they cannot put him or her on death row and instead be put into a mental hospital. Claiming to be insane is the only way to get out of being put to death. A lot of the time the defendant will act to be insane even when they really are not. People will act like these because they want to live and not be put to death. Ted Gottfried exclaims that the psychological truth that people want to live instead of die will deter people from committing crimes. The convicted and their attorney will always plea for life in prison instead of death showing that capital punishment brings fear. If executions where faster than the deterrence of crimes would increase even more. Prisoners themselves even think the death penalty should be the most feared punishment (41). People will stop committing serious crimes because they do not want to be put to death. If the death penalty did not exist then there would be no serious punishment to deter people from committing crimes. Criminals could kill as many people as they wanted and not be seriously punished for it. Some criminals do not mind being in prison for their whole life so they could commit a mass murder and all that would happen would them spend time in prison. The death penalty will show criminals that these crimes are serious and are not taken lightly. People that are thinking of committing a crime that is serious enough to have the death penalty as a punishment will think again before committing the crime since they would rather live than be put to death. When a family member is murdered or a victim of a serious crime it is one of the most heartbreaking things that could ever happen. The family of the victim may never be able to return back to a normal state of feeling secured. In the back of their mind they are thinking what if this criminal comes after me next. The trial for serious crimes can take years to get complete. The family will have to be put through all of these trials which will take them on an emotional rollercoaster having to relive the crime all time. Even when the convict is in prison the family would still have to go to more court dates for whenever the convict would try to get an appeal to his crime by coming up with new evidence that he or she is innocent or to get out of prison on parole. In the article Facing Facts on the Death Penalty it says because of the appeals and occasional re-trials, the families are forced for years to relive the grisly details of their loved ones death-over and over again (Gray). If he or she does get out of prison there is that chance that they might come back after the family. With the family knowing that the previous prisoner was back in society they would be living with a fear and have no sense of security. If the prisoner was sentenced to death in the first place the family would have known that justice was served for the crime committed. Also if the convict was sentenced to death in the first place it would prevent the family from trying to get revenge on him or her when they got out of prison. Another death would then put more people in prison and inflict more pain on more people. Ted Gottfried says that closure can mean several different things, but putting an end to the nightmare of the crime is common in all of the definitions of closure (44). The death penalty will give closure to the family of lost ones and will help to prevent more deaths from revenge. All of the prisons in the United States are run by either the state or federal government. The way the government gets the money to pay for these prisons is by using the money that innocent citizens pay through taxes. It is not fair that the innocent people in this country have to basically pay to let criminals still live. Why should innocent people have to pay to take care of the people who put everyone in fear or even pay to house the person that may have killed a friend or a relative? David Bender proclaims the thought that the man who cruelly and deliberately slaughtered your child for fun or profit is entitled peacefully to live out his days at tax payers expense, playing tennis or baseball or enjoying the prison library, is hard to stomach (55). Citizens should not have to pay for people to live such a peaceful life when they ended anothers life and destroyed a family. Ted Gottfried states in his book that the cost to take care of someone in prison for fifty years will cost alm ost 3.01 million dollars per inmate. It will only cost 1.88 million dollars total per inmate to take care of someone on death row (45). 1.13 million dollars would be saved if inmates were put on death row instead of being in prison for life. The cost of using the death penalty may be more upfront, but the cost of a person with life in prison will eventually be a considerably larger amount. An inmate on death row would have to be housed for a few years tell their execution compared to someone with life in prison that could be locked up for nearly one hundred years if convicted at a young age. Our government would be able to spend the saved money from using the death penalty on other services that will be more useful to all of the taxpayers. Life in prison is not as cruel as many people think it is. Big prisons have different activities for inmates to do such as basketball, weight lifting, and several other activities. Getting life in prison is not a serious enough punishment for someone who committed such a horrendous crime. Why should a criminal get such a nice and peaceful punishment? The death penalty needs to be mandatory for serious enough crimes since life in prison is not near as bad as the pain he or she inflicted on the family of the victim. On the Public Broadcasting Service website it says that the most infamous execution of history occurred approximately 29 AD with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ outside Jerusalem (Reggio). Berns says that The first man and woman violated Gods commandment and were banished (1). The death penalty is talked about in several different books of the bible. Murder, kidnapping, and bestiality are discussed in the book of Exodus. The Bible says he that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death (KJV, Exodus 21.12). A few verses later it says And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death (KJV Exodus 21.15). Sarah Roberts-Cady declares punishment should be like an eye for an eye principle. That is, if a person steals, that person ought to have an equivalent amount of personal belongings taken from them. If a person murders, that person ought to be killed (186). The way the bible describes all of the punishments for every crime is with the eye for a n eye or tooth for a tooth principle. Since the bible says that if someone commits a crime then that same punishment should also be inflicted on them then the death penalty needs to be used for murder cases. The death penalty has been a topic of debate for several years on whether or not it is a good form of punishment or if it is murder. There will most likely never be a clear answer for which one will be completely socially accepted. The death penalty may kill some innocent people, but the number is being constantly reduced thanks to new advances in DNA. The death penalty is not a cruel and unusual punishment so it does not break the 8th amendment of the United States Constitution. Offenders will not return to society since they will be dead. People who are contemplating of committing crimes will be scared away from actually committing the crime in order to stay alive. Families will not have to endure an emotional roller coaster ride by having to go to several court dates. Tax payers do not want to spend valuable money on people who bring fear to everyone in the country. The death penalty needs to always be a form of punishment in certain serious crimes. The bible also even talks about how people should be killed for committing certain criminal acts. It will most likely never be completely abolished, but does need to be used for certain circumstances.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Future of Small Science Essay -- Nanoscience Technology Essays

The Future of Small Science In the last few years, nanotechnology has become a craze within the science community, even though its almost completely theoretical nature makes it an industry of potential, rather than results. But in the United States, faith in its future, backed by a government four-year plan to spend $3.7 billion on nanotechnology research, a host of entrepreneurial businesses have sprung up with â€Å"nano† written somewhere in their mission statements. Basically defined only as the manipulation of particles on the nano scale (i.e., extremely small), the fundamental science for nanotechnology has been around since 1918, when physicist Max Planck helped create the theories of quantum physics. But without precision equipment, these theories could not be tested, and until recently no applications could be developed for this new and intriguing science. Now, the term nanotechnology is used to encompass new techniques and applications made real by advanced equipment. And it isn’t only businesses fighting to stay ahead in the race for mass-production of these newly possible devices, but many competitive schools, with Massachusetts universities being main players in the State’s world-renowned nano research. Northeastern University has been a serious player in the nanotech field since 2001, when the Kostis Donation gave $200,000 to fund continued nanotechnology research. Now, with a $12.4 million grant received this March from the National Science Foundation, split mainly between two other New England universities – the University of New Hampshire and UMASS Lowell – Northeastern has big plans for the future of the very small. â€Å"It’s not a lot of money, but it attracts industry, and that’s what we need,† said A... ...reate each nano device leaves much room for error as well as being impractically slow. Nanoscience is a technology with its greatest potential not for creation, but improvement. It has caught the attention of such a large section of the market because miniaturization is such a versatile and widely desired concept; the medical world hopes to be able to use intelligently invasive nano devices to fight certain viruses within the human body; the computer chip industry could push its processors to unheard of speeds, as smaller chips mean less power, and thus what is considered hand-held technology today could become microscopic. And now with Northeastern positioning itself directly in the middle of what could be the greatest scientific revolution since the Theory of Relativity, this university could become a big force in a world becoming obsessed with the very small. The Future of Small Science Essay -- Nanoscience Technology Essays The Future of Small Science In the last few years, nanotechnology has become a craze within the science community, even though its almost completely theoretical nature makes it an industry of potential, rather than results. But in the United States, faith in its future, backed by a government four-year plan to spend $3.7 billion on nanotechnology research, a host of entrepreneurial businesses have sprung up with â€Å"nano† written somewhere in their mission statements. Basically defined only as the manipulation of particles on the nano scale (i.e., extremely small), the fundamental science for nanotechnology has been around since 1918, when physicist Max Planck helped create the theories of quantum physics. But without precision equipment, these theories could not be tested, and until recently no applications could be developed for this new and intriguing science. Now, the term nanotechnology is used to encompass new techniques and applications made real by advanced equipment. And it isn’t only businesses fighting to stay ahead in the race for mass-production of these newly possible devices, but many competitive schools, with Massachusetts universities being main players in the State’s world-renowned nano research. Northeastern University has been a serious player in the nanotech field since 2001, when the Kostis Donation gave $200,000 to fund continued nanotechnology research. Now, with a $12.4 million grant received this March from the National Science Foundation, split mainly between two other New England universities – the University of New Hampshire and UMASS Lowell – Northeastern has big plans for the future of the very small. â€Å"It’s not a lot of money, but it attracts industry, and that’s what we need,† said A... ...reate each nano device leaves much room for error as well as being impractically slow. Nanoscience is a technology with its greatest potential not for creation, but improvement. It has caught the attention of such a large section of the market because miniaturization is such a versatile and widely desired concept; the medical world hopes to be able to use intelligently invasive nano devices to fight certain viruses within the human body; the computer chip industry could push its processors to unheard of speeds, as smaller chips mean less power, and thus what is considered hand-held technology today could become microscopic. And now with Northeastern positioning itself directly in the middle of what could be the greatest scientific revolution since the Theory of Relativity, this university could become a big force in a world becoming obsessed with the very small.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing research report: using SPSS indentify case study Essay

The Questionnaire having 19 key questions to extract consumer’s perception about Auto Online website and the important factors which motivated for consumer to buy online. The research objective is try to identify the important factors motivating to buy online, for consumers and to take action plans further to improve consumer’s needs. The survey mainly concentrating on the following aspects; Consumer’s view on use of Internet, Awareness of Auto Online website, Security, Convenience while making a purchase etc. All these questions were asked on 1 to 5 Ratings scale, so the data collected on 19 factors is an ordinal. The labels taken as Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (5) for all the variables: The most prominent way of analyzing these type of data in Descriptive Statistics is Frequency Tables and Cross Tabulations, also Top 2 Box scores for important factors; where Top 2 Box scores is the Percent of respondents for any particular question answered the Top 2 responses, i.e. Strongly Agree and Agree. It will be the best measure to interpret the respective attribute (In terms of Percentages). The important thing to be consider when interpreting the Ordinal Data is that it does not make any significance if we calculate the average forms like Mean or Median. Below are the Frequency Tables which are basically about how consumer thinks about Internet and Making purchase decisions etc. Marketing research report: using SPSS indentify case study 3 Executive Summary: Auto Online is a very â€Å"convenient† website and motivating respondent to buy products online. Most of the respondents aware about Auto Online through web surfing or any search engine. It will be very good if Auto Online website get innovative so that the overall experience with the site will be stronger than what know it is; since consumer is surfing the net as he is looking more information about Automobile products and he can reduce the strain with dealing car salesmen. Analysis and Interpretation: The following tables are the frequency tables for the questions, in what way the internet would be used by the respondent. Here the key questions for Auto Online are â€Å"I use the internet to research purchases I make†, â€Å"The Internet is a good tool to us when researching an automobile†, The Internet should not be used to purchase vehicles† and â€Å"Online dealership are just another way of getting you into the traditional dealership†. Where no single important factor got more than 50% of respondent saying whether â€Å"strongly agree† or â€Å"agree†. So on average a respondent is using internet to research automobile and of course it does not turning him to purchase online, they are thinking that they should not purchase automobiles on line. Since the Percent of respondents for â€Å"The Internet should not be used to purchase vehicles†Ã‚   got only 40% of Top2 Box Score. So on average not more than 40% of respondents turning their Internet use into online purchase for any automobile products. Following tables are the frequency tables on consumer’s perception about buying a new vehicle and don’t like to hassle with car salesmen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Micro Teach

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Unit 4 Using Inclusive Learning and Teaching Approaches in Lifelong Learning Individual Learning Record Delivery of a micro-teaching session on a new subject As part of your teacher training you are expected to give a micro-teach on a subject you have not delivered before. This could be a hobby or personal interest, the choice is yours. Topics chosen have included making cards, a favourite book or film, yoga†¦ However, what is important is that you have some knowledge and confidence with the topic, so that you can concentrate on the actual presenting, teaching and learning.The purpose of the micro-teaching are to: †¢Gain experience of time management, managing learning and learners †¢Use a range of teaching and learning activities in a safe environment †¢Allow for feedback from an experienced tutor and/or peers and †¢Provide an opportunity for reflection and evaluation of own practice and performance. Using t he micro-teaching for those with current teaching practice allows an opportunity to try something different as well as helping with time management.To teach effectively it is important to work through the stages of preparing and planning, delivering and evaluating in order to develop own professional practice. 1 Preparing and planning the 15 minute micro-teach sessionUse evidence gathered beforehand, informed by all PTLLS units, to identify your specific subject content and learners’ needs for your micro-teaching session. You MUST base your planning on appropriate time management within the time allowed so you do not try to do too much in the limited time. Setting up for the micro-teach = 5 minutes †¢Delivering the micro-teach = 15 minutes †¢Evaluation feedback from learners = 10 minutes †¢Micro-teaching session = 30 minutes total Use this information to decide the aim (what you want to achieve) and objectives (what you want your learners to be able to do) for your micro-teach session plan. Use your knowledge of you selected topic and your learners to select a number of appropriate teaching methods and learning activities for your micro-teach session plan.Identify on the plan at least one opportunity to use an appropriate assessment method to check learning, during the session. 2 Delivering the 15-minute micro-teach session Deliver you topic to your group using the prepared session plan – making sure to communicate effectively and appropriately with individual students and demonstrate good practice in giving feedback to learners. 3 Evaluating the micro-teach and developing own practice As soon as possible following the session completeThe session evaluation section of the lesson plan and use it when completing the Individual Learning Record evaluation – which should include a review of the session based on the observation feedback from the tutor-observer and learner feedback. 4 Evaluating the micro-teaching of others Complet e an observation form for each observed micro-teaching session, provide feedback to peers and use this information when evaluating your own approaches in order to identify possible ways to improve or develop your own practice.Evidence from the micro-teaching session should be put together as a portfolio and should include noes on: †¢An outline of the learning group – including issues of differentiation, specific considerations, e. g. health and safety †¢Session plan- indication topic/content, aims/ objectives, teaching methods, learning activities, resources, leaning checks †¢Samples of activities/resources used during the session †¢Samples of learning checks/assessment †¢Feedback from tutor/peers †¢Personal session evaluation (this should be brief notes to provide reminder for more detailed evaluations).