Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Micro Teach

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Unit 4 Using Inclusive Learning and Teaching Approaches in Lifelong Learning Individual Learning Record Delivery of a micro-teaching session on a new subject As part of your teacher training you are expected to give a micro-teach on a subject you have not delivered before. This could be a hobby or personal interest, the choice is yours. Topics chosen have included making cards, a favourite book or film, yoga†¦ However, what is important is that you have some knowledge and confidence with the topic, so that you can concentrate on the actual presenting, teaching and learning.The purpose of the micro-teaching are to: †¢Gain experience of time management, managing learning and learners †¢Use a range of teaching and learning activities in a safe environment †¢Allow for feedback from an experienced tutor and/or peers and †¢Provide an opportunity for reflection and evaluation of own practice and performance. Using t he micro-teaching for those with current teaching practice allows an opportunity to try something different as well as helping with time management.To teach effectively it is important to work through the stages of preparing and planning, delivering and evaluating in order to develop own professional practice. 1 Preparing and planning the 15 minute micro-teach sessionUse evidence gathered beforehand, informed by all PTLLS units, to identify your specific subject content and learners’ needs for your micro-teaching session. You MUST base your planning on appropriate time management within the time allowed so you do not try to do too much in the limited time. Setting up for the micro-teach = 5 minutes †¢Delivering the micro-teach = 15 minutes †¢Evaluation feedback from learners = 10 minutes †¢Micro-teaching session = 30 minutes total Use this information to decide the aim (what you want to achieve) and objectives (what you want your learners to be able to do) for your micro-teach session plan. Use your knowledge of you selected topic and your learners to select a number of appropriate teaching methods and learning activities for your micro-teach session plan.Identify on the plan at least one opportunity to use an appropriate assessment method to check learning, during the session. 2 Delivering the 15-minute micro-teach session Deliver you topic to your group using the prepared session plan – making sure to communicate effectively and appropriately with individual students and demonstrate good practice in giving feedback to learners. 3 Evaluating the micro-teach and developing own practice As soon as possible following the session completeThe session evaluation section of the lesson plan and use it when completing the Individual Learning Record evaluation – which should include a review of the session based on the observation feedback from the tutor-observer and learner feedback. 4 Evaluating the micro-teaching of others Complet e an observation form for each observed micro-teaching session, provide feedback to peers and use this information when evaluating your own approaches in order to identify possible ways to improve or develop your own practice.Evidence from the micro-teaching session should be put together as a portfolio and should include noes on: †¢An outline of the learning group – including issues of differentiation, specific considerations, e. g. health and safety †¢Session plan- indication topic/content, aims/ objectives, teaching methods, learning activities, resources, leaning checks †¢Samples of activities/resources used during the session †¢Samples of learning checks/assessment †¢Feedback from tutor/peers †¢Personal session evaluation (this should be brief notes to provide reminder for more detailed evaluations).

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