Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay Exposing Celiac Disease - 2120 Words

Imagine having a life threatening disease and not even knowing it. This was the case for me. I was brought up eating healthy wheat bread and grains. Much to my surprise I would learn it was actually hurting my health. I have always had â€Å"stomach issues† and being lactose intolerant, I blamed it on that. I never thought it could be something else. Last year I learned I was anemic; soon I was lying in the hospital with a blood transfusion and wondering why. I ate extremely healthy foods and was sure I should have retained those nutrients. Once my blood work came back I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I was burning more calories than I was eating without knowing it. To top it off I had a rash on my face that seemed to never go away.†¦show more content†¦(Deas, G June 2003). Although not everyone who consumes gluten will automatically have celiac, one in 133 healthy people have it (Celiac disease facts and figures). Some people are more susceptible to having it than others. If a first-degree relative such as a parent, sibling, aunt/uncle or grandparent already has celiac, you have a 1 in 22 chance of having it, even if you have no symptoms (Celiac facts and figures). During a study, researchers learned 60% of children and 41% of adults found to have Celiac were asymptomatic (Celiac facts and figures). Having no relatives with this disease or having no symptoms does not mean you are free and clear of having it. Being tested and getting back a negative result is the only way to be sure that you are not living with a disease that could be fatal. Other factors increase your chances of having the disease. Sometimes celiac symptoms are misdiagnosed. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the conditions most commonly confused with CD. Doctors will often diagn ose their patients with IBS when in fact celiac is the culprit. IBS symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, which are identical to celiac symptoms. The difference is that while celiac damages the small intestine, IBS attacks the large intestine, for reasons still unknown. IBS sufferers should be tested, since their chances of having CD increases greatly (Lapid, N April 20, 2009). Consider the case ofShow MoreRelatedThe Gluten Free Diet Essay883 Words   |  4 PagesAs a celiacs daughter I quickly adapted the â€Å"gluten free† life style out of convenience for my mother. I would even find myself going to restaurants asking for the gluten free menu and strictly sticking to the diet in and out of my household. I was aware that I was lacking some nutrients by not eating gluten but to make up for it I took vitamin D pills and everyday women health vitamins but little did I know that was not enough to keep me healthy. I was not aware of the risks I w as putting myselfRead MorePublic Breastfeeding And Its Effect On Children1975 Words   |  8 Pagesfrom getting sick and alter its constitution to meet a baby’s needs when they are ill (â€Å"Fit Pregnancy†). Breast milk also offers long-term benefits for children. The chance of infants who are breastfed being diagnosed with diabetes, celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease is decreased, as well as the chances of them becoming obese (Adler). Why are people so against something that has so many benefits for babies? Breast milk influences infants’ health in such a way that formula will never be able to.Read MoreStop Your Children Live Eat And Play Dirty5019 Words   |  21 Pagespostnatal development of the immune system might also be different.? (Neu, 2011) Several studies cited throughout their research paper came to the same conclusions, that Cesarean babies were more likely to develop illnesses and autoimmune diseases such as IBS and Celiac as a result o f non-vaginal birth due to the lack of microbial exposure. They stated that babies who are born vaginally receive microbes which are necessary to the healthy development of the infant?s intestinal flora. (Neu, 2011) In a firstRead MoreOutback Steakhouse - Competitive Strategy3975 Words   |  16 Pagesflavours Outback has become known for. Pros: †¢ Attract a larger market. Many health conscious people may not have considered Outback previously due to their high fat menu items †¢ Attract consumers with dietary restrictions such as those with celiac disease †¢ Increased revenue, gain market share †¢ Competitive advantage over other steak house casual restaurants Cons: †¢ May be difficult to integrate healthy, low fat options that would compliment current menu items †¢ Time consuming and costly to re-engineer

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